Friday, June 02, 2006

The Hat That Was a Skirt

I confess! I haven't knitted a single thing this last week. Thursday night knitting was the first time that I had even taken out the needles all week. I did get the sleeves for my tie dye sweater cast on though. I felt very virtuous casting on both sleeves, but the truth is that I just can't face knitting the same thing twice. If I knit both sleeves at once it doesn't seem as much like doing it twice. I have been sewing instead. I made Sylvan this hat, as part of our on going negotiations about what she will wear. It started life as a skirt with shorts underneath. She wanted to wear the fleece pants my mom made her to the beach, and I wanted her to wear shorts. Unfortunately, all her shorts are too boring. She agreed to wear the shorts under the skirt, because they were pink, but not the skirt. So, in desparation I cut the skirt off. She decided that since I was using my sewing scisors, I must be making something new for her, and so we ended up with a hat made out of the discarded skirt. I've also been working on three different bags. One of which I took to knitting, and put an edge trim on. You'll have to wait for pics of those until they are done. pink hat The Pink Hat

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