Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Life and Stuff

So, I don't know if you have heard, but my life is unbelievably bad right now. My husband has asked for a divorce. I am looking at being a single mom of a six month old and a three year old, and I am currently unemployed. And I got the stomach flu for Thanksgiving. On the up side I have an amazing family that has rushed in to help me out, and I have great friends who have offered everything from legal services to more meals than I can eat. That said my knitting has been a little erratic. I made a tiny comfort blanket for my baby which I don't have a picture of. I made a Christmas hat for a friend overseas that I also don't have a picture of. I have started a Christmas scarf and hat out of some lovely Malabrigo, a pair of tabi socks, and made plans for several things, but nothing is even close to being done. So, what I really want to post about is all the lovely new blogs I have been reading. This is from a pattern from WeeWonderfuls a super sweet blog with a totally cute store that I want everything out of. The other site that I am currently obsessed with is called Sew, Mama, Sew! and she is doing this amazing 30 days of gifts to sew. She has tons of easy sewing ideas for great gifts with tutorials, and patterns. She also has a store where you can buy super cute fabric! Amy Butler and all kinds of other amazing stuff.